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  Our proposal  

Starting with Science

In recent times we have heard a lot about concepts such as DNA, RNA and PCR; which translates into a greater visibility of science in society.

Within this framework, we want to go one step further and achieve the true understanding of these terms, with special interest in the next generations. How? Through the experimentation and the acquisition of first-hand knowledge.

We believe it is important to promote instances in which a overview of the reality of scientists and science in Uruguay, giving visibility to the research, diagnosis and entrepreneurship institutions that carry it out.

What is our proposal?

The experiences that we carry out are instances of training-action linked to good molecular biology practices. For its execution we have a trained team who not only have the necessary knowledge, but are actors in daily and direct contact with the scientific field; key to inspire others, because they are people who are passionate about what they do. We call them guidance counsellors, and are the ones who guide the students throughout the experimental activity.

Among other dynamics, we develop "The genetics of bitter taste", an experience that involves each student extracting their own DNA from a sample scraped from the buccal mucosa, amplifying a fragment of a specific gene of interest by PCR, digesting the PCR product with restriction enzymes, and visualizing the result of digestion by agarose gel electrophoresis.

During the dynamics, learning is encouraged through experimentation, the search for results and their discussion in the face of all the scenarios that may arise, as well as the exchange with the counselors so that they can learn about their realities and routines. Teamwork is also promoted and a commitment is made to arouse curiosity and interest in STEM careers.

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